Monday, February 1, 2010

Aaaaw - sweet award from Miss Callie

Designed by Sprytebyrd on Monday, February 01, 2010
Well, how sweet is this???

My sweet friend, Callie sent me this award, and she sent one to my little Emily, as well!

I just LOVE the cupcakes!!  :)

Ok, so here's the rules - (1) Copy & Paste the award to your blog. (2) List who gave you the award and link back to them. (3) List 10 things that you're thankful for and that make you happy. (4) Pass it on to others and let them know.
Ten things I'm thankful for:
1. My Children... I have 2 wonderfully beautiful children, I am thankful that they are healthy, smart and happy!
2. My Husband... I have a hard-working, extremely supportive hubby that I love with all my heart!
3. My Parents... they have been there for me since the beginning and I couldn't do the things I do or be the person that I am without them.  I'm lucky to have parents who love me and have taught me everything I know.
4. Coffee... My day doesn't start without a cuppa-joe. I love coffee!
5. Chocolate... my favorite indulgence!
6. Crafting... I'm so lucky that I have the time and ability to craft during my days. It keeps me sane and lets me create and I just love it.
7. Cooking... I love try to cook for my family. Baking, especially.  I love to learn new recipes and try new dishes.
8. My friends... both here in the blogging world and here at home. You all mean so much to me.
9. My home... I am so very fortunate to have my dream home with room for everyone and everything.
10. The Internet! :)... where would I be without the internet?  I met my hubby, I have made so many wonderful friends, I have the opportunity to share my crafts and keep in touch with friends and family.
I'd like to pass this award onto my fellow blogging friends, they're all so sweet and creative:
and the Stamptacular Design Team:

Thank you Callie!!  :)

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