Hi! So, we all went to Roy for the weekend! Iain and I left the kids in Nana's care (Grandpa was out at a photography expedition with Uncle David) while we went up to Seattle for a couple of days.
Grandpa and Bradley spent some time in the front yard, enjoying a pleasant Western Washington afternoon. Bradley loves to be outside, where he can watch the birds fly by and the leaves flutter in the trees. Grandpa took some great pictures of him hanging out on the blanket.
Nana and Grandpa left a little suprise for Emily in their front yard! They trimmed the lower branches on what we call my "Christmas Tree" (because it was little when we moved into the house, and I always thought it looked just like a little Christmas Tree) and hung a swing for her! It didn't take her long at all to find it, and then it was a job just getting her away from it when it was time to go inside! Thanks Nana and Grandpa! You made a happy Emily!
All in all, a good weekend for us. Emily and Bradley got some grandparent time. Iain and I got some us time. We had an early anniversary dinner! I got to visit my old craft stores!
Already looking forward to our next weekend away!
Hope that all is well with you! And thanks for checking in! :o)